Books for 10 kids from poor families
Books for 10 kids from poor families
Unfortunately, even in the Czech Republic, one of the most economically stable and successful countries in Europe, there are children who have never had their own books. They never walked through the Hundred Acre Forest with Winnie-the-Pooh, or rode the train to Hogwarts. Their parents either have no means to buy books, or simply do not realize how important they are. Your gift will make 10 children lives more exciting and stimulating, and help them develop many new skills necessary for the future.
Year-long personal tutoring for a poor child
Year-long personal tutoring for a poor child
People in Need annually helps 400 children from poor and disadvantaged families improve their grades and become more confident in school. The work of People in Need tutors consists of not only helping students with their homework, but also in becoming the link between the family and the school, and persuading parents to support their kids in their education – all of which is essential to helping every child achieve their full potential in school and prepare them for success in the future. Your gift will help a People in Need tutor work consistently and effectively with a child who needs support and assistance for one year.
Pre-school prep for a child for one year
Pre-school prep for a child for one year
Some kids do not go to kindergarten or pre-school. They do not get a chance to learn many favourite children’ songs and fairy tales, they have a limited vocabulary compared to their peers, and by the time they enter primary school, they lack many of the skills that first graders are expected to have. This often happens because poor parents with a low-level education are unable to pay for private kindergartens, when space is not available at public ones, and often do not place their kids in pre-school programs at all because they see little value in it. As a result, these children begin their schooling with a disadvantage, which quickly forms an impassable barrier for their future success. People in Need encourages parents from local communities to send their kids to its pre-school clubs where they are taught to recognize shapes and colours, they learn the basics of writing and counting, sing songs and much more to prepare them for first grade. Your gift will give a child the preparation he or she needs for a full year in order to succeed in school in the future and to have a fuller, happier childhood.
Training for 10 pro-active teachers
Training for 10 pro-active teachers
A teacher can simply teach a given subject, or she can become a role model for her students. People in Need wants to make real stars out of every teacher, by providing them with necessary training and education. Our courses show teachers how to interest their students to learning, how to broach controversial topics and discuss current affairs, and how to use innovative approaches to do this. We also help teachers recognize and work with students’ special needs and talents. Your gift will help 10 teachers become role models for their students and enjoy the teaching process itself.
Innovative teaching materials for 20 teachers
Innovative teaching materials for 20 teachers
People in Need creates a range of teaching materials that inspire teachers to create innovative lessons about the most pressing topics of our time, such as, for example, globalization, human rights or sustainability. Thanks to these materials, which include documentary films, teachers are also better equipped to nurture respect and tolerance in their pupils, to make sure every child has a chance to be successful in school, and to develop better relations with the parents, in order to make them into active partners in their children’s education.
Support for students’ community projects for a year
Support for students’ community projects for a year
Your gift will help our Who else? program, which supports primary and secondary schools students to become more engaged in their communities and to improve the place where they live through a group activity. Our coordinators support teachers who, in turn, help their students create independent project that focus on improving a specific problem or bringing attention to a particular issue in their town, their community or their school. In the past, students held events at homes for the elderly, or in orphanages, they mobilized volunteers to tutor children with disabilities, or encouraged local businesses to sell Fair Trade products, and organized fundraisers for charity.
foto: archiv ČvT, Flickr creative commons (Tulane Public Relations, Violet Monde)
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