That’s what Vlasta Vycichlova says about her experiences in teaching with documentaries. Vlasta is a lecturer of Jeden svet na skolach or One World in Schools, one of People in Need education programs. The program brings important topics and stories to schools through documentary films, discussions and activities.
„I often talk about several miracles. The first one is that sharing films and all that comes with it is fun not only for teachers but also for students. Another miracle is that even the students who are not used to express themselves join the discussions after the screenings. It’s because working with a film is about paying attention to one’s feelings. Students will never hear the unfavourable ‘wrong.’ Moreover, they learn to have a perspective and to listen better.”
Vlasta Vycichlova has had a long-lasting career. She had been a high school teacher in Liberec for over 20 years. Now she and the One World in Schools team lead various trainings for teachers and university students of education. “Teachers attending my trainings are motivated and love their students and their job. Working with them is great. It’s about very beautiful and inspirational encounters. We enrich each other, with experiences, opinions and especially with shared joy of our tool, One World in Schools.”
For many years Vlasta have been able to observe the influence the documentaries have on students and teachers alike. “A student and a teacher gradually change. They become more open and perceptive. They don’t wait passively for anyone to solve problems for them but they themselves come up with solutions.”
„One of the biggest pros of teaching with documentaries is that films help open the complicated issues, personal or controversial, resonating in society. Finally, it enables a teacher to learn about their students things they otherwise wouldn’t be able to,” Vlasta concludes.